John Baynard’s Charity

John Baynard’s Charity has been making grants for people of unsound mind in Shorne and Rochester since 1792. Because its endowment is small the income of just over £300 a year is not sufficient to make more than a few modest grants. One of the trustees is appointed by Shorne Parish Council.

It is important to bear in mind that the trustees can only make grants to people in Shorne if there are not enough qualifying people in Rochester to use all the income.

For information or to apply for a grant contact:

Revd Dr Joel Love
The Vicarage, Delce Road, Rochester, ME1 2EH
01634 845122

Registered charity number 213292


John Baynard was a resident of Rochester and had interests (and probably lived later in his life) in Shorne where he is buried in the chancel of its parish church. He died in 1792 and his will left £1,000 to pay for places in the Bethlehem Hospital for an “insane incurable” resident of the Parish of St Margaret and, if there was none, for one from the parish of Shorne. The charity still has to restrict benefits to people from these areas.

In the middle of the 19th century it became impossible to fund places in Bethlehem Hospital because, the Hospital said, it could only accommodate “poor patients of the educated classes” but the charity (then known as John Baynard’s Charity for the Insane) was apparently not able to put forward such people. The terms of the charity were then changed so it could make grants to provide any benefits to people of unsound mind.