Parish Magazine

Parish Magazine coverThe parish magazine is published by the PCC at the beginning of every month except January and August to provide news and information for the whole of the parish.

Subscribers in the parish have the magazine delivered for a subscription of £5 a year. To subscribe or obtain more information contact Mary Potter tel: 01474 822345. Individual copies can be bought in the church or in the Village Stores for 50 p. each.

Contributions relevant to the village and village life are welcome and published at the Editor’s discretion. Please submit them to the editor by email. She reserves the right to edit them to reduce their size or remove or amend material she considers unsuitable. Unfortunately our printer cannot reproduce photographs, only line drawings.

Advertisements are welcome. Rates and more information can be obtained from the PCC Treasurer. Rates are for ten issues starting in February and advertisements starting later in the year are charged a proportion of the rate for the full year. Please note that we cannot print in colour and line drawings are recommended for illustrations etc. as grey often does not print clearly.