
The pages in this section give a summary description and history of the ecclesiastical parish of Shorne, its parish church of St Peter & St Paul and its churchyard.

You can see a detailed history and guide to the church by downloading: Church History

Visiting the Church

The church is usually open on Saturdays between 10.00am and 4.00pm except when in use for services and other events. A free “self guide” leaflet is available and the full guide book can be bought for £2.00. On other days the church is locked when it is not in use.

It can be opened by prior arrangement with a Churchwarden or the Vicar. You can send them an email from the Contact us page. We welcome visits by groups, again by prior arrangement. We can provide a guide to show the group round the church and outline its history. We often hold an Open Day on the second Saturday of September when the church is open all day and in the afternoon there are tours and teas – see our events listing for information.

Family History

We do not hold our parish registers so we cannot supply information for family research. The registers are in the Medway Archives so you can view copies of the birth, marriage and  burial records on-line.

You can view transcriptions of the memorials in the church and in the churchyard up to 1930(including the war memorial) from our Churchyard page.

We do not have the resources to carry out research . Further guidance may be obtained from the North West Kent Family History Society.